Our travel consortium has thousands of cabins in pre-booked block space for members and their guests only. Block rates are the lowest possible rates available to professionals and still pay universal credits on most cabins.
If you have date flexibility, please fill out a Travel Request with the Category: "Block Space - Cruise Inventory" from the drop-down menu. The following additional information will help your travel concierge find the most optimal savings for your cruise:
- Preferred Cruise Line
- Travel Date Range
- Number of Travelers & Ages
- Preferred Cabin Category
- Extras (airfare, insurance, etc"
- Past Guest Number
“BLOCK SPACE” Bookings will offer you the lowest up-front cost on any type of cruise across all brands and types of cruising. These advance purchases made within our consortium will allow you to take cruises or cruise lines that otherwise might be out of reach. Being able to offer these rates to your friends and family will also make your personal group travel easier to do.
Bottom Line - This is how the professionals book their own cruises.